21 year old Embroidery/Silkscreen Business
For Sale in Columbia, MO
Financial & Assets Details
About the Business
Business Description
Business has lost its lease and the 4 owners have decided they do not want to move the business again and wish to sell to a new buyer. Business must be moved, but most accounts are online and could be moved locally (Columbia, MO).
Thousands of business accounts are active, over 1200 embroidery logos been produced and can easily be reproduced.
Location Details:
Business has lost its lease and the 4 owners have decided they do not want to move the business again and wish to sell to a new buyer. Business must be moved, but most accounts are online and could be moved locally (Columbia, MO).
Thousands of business accounts are active, over 1200 embroidery logos been produced and can easily be reproduced.
Support & Training
Owners will train.
Reason for Selling:
Moving and retirement.