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Component Manufacturer & Distributor of Machined Products

For Sale in Houston, TX

Listing ID: VEN773 | Broker Listing ID:

Financial & Assets Details


About the Business

Business Description

The company provides necessary components to the oil and gas industry, brazing stations and other machined parts to air conditioning manufacturers and repair services to both.

Key aspects
· Assembles and distributes needed machined parts for oil and gas operators and HVAC manufacturers within the region
· Offers custom brazing stations, brazing fixtures, tools, progressive press transfer arms, power connectors and pneumatic hammers for air-conditioning manufacturing
· Lean manufacturing model with capability of expansion through two staff members
· Extensive client relationship with several independent manufacturing line divisions inside one of Texas´ largest air-conditioning manufacturers
· Reputation for delivering projects prior to deadlines

Growth & Expansion

· Opportunity to offer brazing stations and other tools to similar, relevant industries, such as the automotive and semi-conductor industries
· Increase in-house machining capabilities with a capital investment in more precision machines
· Expand services to a larger geographic market within and outside the Texas area

Market Competition:

Current markets
· Oil and gas industry, and air conditioning manufacturers within Texas

Shareholder/owner objectives
· Sole owner is seeking a full-sale of the business and is open to various deal structures. The owner is willing to stay on and transition while the succession plan is put into place.

Location Details:

· Houston, TX

Real estate
· The company operates from a leased warehouse space owned by an unrelated third party. The lease is assumable by a new owner. The company also owns the right of first refusal on adjacent spaces.

Listing ID: VEN773