I/DD Residential Treatment Facility with 6 Group Homes in New Mexico
For Sale in NM
Financial & Assets Details
About the Business
Business Description
All Buyers - Individual(s) or Corporation(s)
Must Provide Resume(s), Proof of Net-Worth, and/or Revenues, Proof of Funds to make the Purchase, and Purchase Plan.
All Buyers are Introduced to the Seller based on the Buyer submission of Information. Approval Granted by the Seller, to the Buyer to Review the Offering Book in Detail.
It is expressed that American Healthcare Capital Does NOT Advise Sellers or Buyers to engage another party with no experience in the Healthcare Industry and/or other industry; and rejects potential sellers or buyers based on lack of industry knowledge a factor in qualification of any seller and/or buyer engagement.
Growth & Expansion
The real estate for 7 locations totaling more than 20,000-square-feet are included in the sale and are valued at over $2.5 Million. The current staff is expected to remain, and the seller is available for a transition period. The asking price for this opportunity is $6.5 Million.
There are 6 group homes with 4 patients per home. In addition, there is a corporate headquarters. They usually run at full capacity and have 45 employees. Revenue was almost $2.5 Million in 2016, with an adjusted EBITDA of $875,000. Revenues for 2017 are expected to be about the same or greater.
Market Competition:
I am pleased to introduce a supported living agency in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The company has been in business for over 22 years. It is an Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities Residential Treatment Facility. They operate group homes and work with Disability Waiver adults, providing Special Needs Services along with other services.
Location Details:
New Mexico
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