Profitable Auto Repair Shop with RE Optional
AutomotiveFor Sale in NY
Financial & Assets Details
About the Business
Business Description
Business Description
Profitable Business with Growth Potential
We are the exclusive agents for this extremely clean, fully equipped two-bay auto repair shop with long-standing loyal, repeat customers. Ownership takes pride in the facility and his reputation as a business that treats its customers in an honest, fair manner. Customers rely on his recommended repairs and rarely question his service charges. The operator wishes to locate to a warmer climate, where he has other business interests.
The shop provides complete auto service for all foreign and & domestic vehicles including:Brakes, Shocks, Oil Changes, Air conditioning, NYS Inspections, Transmissions, Exhaust systems',Wheel alignments & Tune Ups.
The business is owned by the operator and the RE is owned by him and his partner (50/50). The business operator is willing to sell the RE with the business and the other partner has expressed a willingness to listen to offers for the property. The business operator suggests a price of $885,000 for business & RE($350K for business plus $535K for the RE) and would provide financing at 6% interest for a 15 year term. Any offer which includes the RE would have to be presented to the operator's partner for approval.
Seller Financing
Seller will consider financing to qualified buyer.
Support & Training
Owner will remain on staff for reasonable period to transition business.
Reason for Selling:
Owner wishes to re-locate.