Relocatable Pet Product Manufacturing Business
For Sale in Saint Louis, MO
Financial & Assets Details
About the Business
Business Description
Would you like to be part of a $60 Billion Industry for only $50K down? Seller has created the world’s first complete, portable & hydration station with a patented cooling/ hydration design, but is undercapitalized and needs to sell the business to someone who understands the potential and can take this business to the next level. Seller is willing to stay involved in the business and terms are negotiable for the right buyer. This Pet Carrier Manufacturing Business would be the ideal business opportunity for someone already in the Pet Supply business or someone with equipment and space to manufacture and assemble carriers. This US made, “green” product uses natural water/ice and has curtains for shade or heat containment and removable trays for storing ice, food, medicines and drinks. Estimated Potential Customer Market (Retail & Other) encompasses 20,000 Pet Stores; 400 Chain Hunting, and Camping & Fishing Supply stores; 6,000 Animal Shelters; and 300 Zoos; as well as 60 Police & Military Working Dogs Associations with est. 15,000 Police dogs, and 2,300 Military dogs.
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