Specialty Automotive Repair
For Sale in Colorado Springs, CO
Financial & Assets Details
About the Business
Business Description
Specialty Automotive Repair – Providing over 55 years of quality service, this highly respected and well maintained full-service automotive repair shop primarily services high-end foreign model vehicles. With no active advertising, this business brings in customers based solely on its reputation. The real estate for this business, valued at $249,000 (subject to appraisal) is to be purchased with the business and is included in the total asking price of $448,500. This business currently operates with two vehicle lifts and there is opportunity for expansion into the adjacent property. Owners retiring. July 2018 YTD Gross Sales have increased over 34% compared to the same period in 2017. Contact Scott Densmore. Scott@fbb.com www.fbb.com
Location Details:
- Colorado Springs
- Structure ‐ 1,630 sf (approximate)
- Property ‐ 4,350 sf (approximate)
Reason for Selling: