Unbranded Gas Station #1063P
For Sale in Wilkes-Barre, PA
Financial & Assets Details
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Business Description
Unbranded Gas Station with C-store Car wash low Rent Long Lease for Sale .. Major road location with big Gas station and plenty of commercial and residential traffic all day long with the property being surrounded by apartments and Big Box retail stores. The station has a fully renovated 1,300 sf convenience store with all new equipment that is currently bringing in an average of $85,000 with sales in the summer over $100,000 Lotto $35,000 ATM/VAC $480. The gas portion of the business is as follows full updated canopy with 4 new Wayne Dispensers and new credit card readers (Pay at The Pump) with gas sales of 70,000 gallons a month with cash and credit at a 10 cents difference. There is a car wash at the gas station that will be in working condition before the spring that the new owner could run or lease with plenty of parking for customers with waiting room and Detail area separate from station. The lease is a Master lease for 20 years with the rent of only $5,000 for this massive station with 3 streams of income. Make an Offer.
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