WaBa Grill – 4 Locations, Absentee Run Profit
For Sale in CA
Financial & Assets Details
About the Business
Business Description
About Franchisee/ Locations:
For sale are 4 strategically located Waba Grill locations with operational synergy being close to each other. The seller owns many other locations along with several other brands across Southern California. The reason for sale is strategic. The seller rarely visits these locations as they are managed absentee with managers in each location. Due to change in owners focus to larger franchises, the businesses have not gotten the attention they need.
The Business is Absentee Run with instore managers, in recent months, the owner has visited the area about once every few months on an average. With a more involved owner, the business could do better in revenues and produce a higher bottom line by keeping costs in line. An owner who wishes to manage these locations full-time could potentially save more on labor by replacing managers with regular employees and managing these locations themselves
About Waba Grill:
In 2006, WaBa Grill was founded in sunny Southern California on the principle that healthy food made with quality fresh ingredients doesn't have to be expensive, and that making smart eating decisions doesn't come at a sacrifice for taste. We receive raw vegetables and proteins through our delivery doors, and we serve you these same items on our plates and in our bowls as nature intended and that means cooking without the use of fryers or heat lamps - just a little bit of WaBa magic is all it takes!
Revenue/ Net Income (Absentee Run Profit):
• Combined Revenues 2018: $2,368,502 | Combined Absentee Run Net Income 2018: $414,898
An Owner operator or a more involved owner has the potential to realize a higher Net Income.
Note: The seller is responsible for proving the accuracy of any information provided to the buyer's satisfaction. Information contained in this document is provided solely by the seller. No representations or warranties are provided by the CABB Business Broker, its agents, representatives, or subsidiaries as to the accuracy, completeness or validity of such information. Interested parties are encouraged to seek the counsel of their accountant, attorney and/or other business advisors.
ASKING PRICE: $1,290,000 + Inventory & Franchise Transfer Fees
Contact: Raj Parikh | (909) 510-9102 | rparikh@naicapital.com
Franchise Resale:
About Waba Grill:
In 2006, WaBa Grill was founded in sunny Southern California on the principle that healthy food made with quality fresh ingredients doesn't have to be expensive, and that making smart eating decisions doesn't come at a sacrifice for taste. We receive raw vegetables and proteins through our delivery doors, and we serve you these same items on our plates and in our bowls as nature intended and that means cooking without the use of fryers or heat lamps - just a little bit of WaBa magic is all it takes...
Location Details:
San Bernardino County, CA
Support & Training
As Needed
Reason for Selling: