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Brake in the Cash

For Sale in Davie, FL

Listing ID: 02-055 | Broker Listing ID:

Financial & Assets Details


About the Business

8FT, 1PT

Business Description

Complete auto repair center specialized in foreign and domestic brands. Fully equipped to handle jobs as simple as an oil change, alignment, and tire replacement to the most complicated diagnostics, programming and engine overhauls. Steady in-flow of maintenance work of more than 90 cars per week. 9 service bays with lifts and 5 full time technicians on duty. Systems in place to manage the business as well as KPI’s properly established to ensure optimum performance monitoring.

Growth & Expansion

Business it’s very well positioned online and is currently doing some passive marketing efforts that are brining customers through the door but there is definitely room for more aggressive marketing in order to bring more business in, The shop has the capacity to service more cars that it is currently doing. Regardless, what is already in place in addition to an almost 40-year customer basis. You have more than 400 care coming steadily through the doors every month. Basically, improving the business operations and putting an effort on the day to day is going to allow any new owner to improve business and grow the revenue. The business currently has about 6 small fleet accounts but there is nothing in place to get more fleet accounts business and it is definitely a good revenue stream to be added to the shop which is completely equipped to offer a wide range of services to this particular type of customer, surpassing national franchises that can only assist with simple things such as tires, oil changes, and the maximum level of complexity in a timing belt job. At this business, you can offer all that plus much more advanced diagnosing capability plus factory scanners and programming, you can really be the one stop shop for fleet accounts. As far as potential regular customers, Davie is a constant developing town, especially around the shop due to all the colleges and universities as well as new developments of apartments within a 3 mile radius to the shop.

Market Competition:

The automotive repair industry is a 50 billion dollar industry on a yearly basis. It is definitely a necessity that is going to last for a few more decades. It’s known as the recession bullet proof business, as a matter of fact, the business has surpassed 2 of those and it's currently navigating a 3rd one without any problem.

Location Details:

Close to colleges, Universities, right off 595 and very close to Florida’s Turnpike

Support & Training

90 days

Reason for Selling:


Listing ID: 02-055

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