Branded Gas Station #1057P
For Sale in Patchogue, NY
Financial & Assets Details
About the Business
Business Description
Branded Gas Station with E-85, C Store and long Lease 18 Yrs For Sale. PRIME..Corner location of two of the south shore busiest roads in Suffolk county with nothing but traffic on both sides. The gas station has a small (500 sf) legal convenience store that is currently bringing in $20,000 a month also sells Lotto $15,000 with licenses in place including Liquor license. This site is a Full service station with full canopy and 5 MPD 's including E-85 Pump that is non corrosive and is valued at $30 K with new card readers. The gas is as follows 70,000 gallons month at .35 cents per gallon with a fuel contract in place that will expire in 3 years. The new owner will have the option to renew fuel contract with fuel company willing to pay $135,000 for a 5 year fuel contract or run this location Unbranded. There is a approval process that the new buyer will have to go through with landlord and a fuel deposit of $50,000 is required by fuel company and First and last month with the landlord. Make an Offer.