High Producing Periodontal Practice in Arizona
MedicalFor Sale in AZ
Financial & Assets Details
About the Business
Business Description
This specialty practice has multiple locations with loyal and well-trained staff, a huge referral base, substantial direct clientele base, IV sedation, 5-star ratings, and is poised for growth. While also topping over $3.1 million in production for 2019! Contact Sierra Wolfe at 602-635-7774 for more information.
Growth & Expansion
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Market Competition:
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Location Details:
Contact Sierra for more details
Support & Training
The staff is stable, well trained, and long term employees. The office manager has been at the practice for many years and is an expert in all facets of specialty practice management. The medical director is willing to stay on 8+ years after the transition!
Reason for Selling:
One partner is ready to retire
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