Highly Profitable Diesel Repair Shop
For Sale in Chickasha, OK
Financial & Assets Details
About the Business
Business Description
This repair shop does full-service repair for large trucks. They service engines, transmissions, rear ends, electrical, brakes and more. They are an authorized large truck NAPA Care Center. Their primary customers are oil production companies, farmers that do bulk feed hauling, and over the road truckers.
Growth & Expansion
Chickasha is in the midst of an oil boom and this is expected to last for a long period of time. Two of their competitors closed down this past year. The company could expand into tire sales and repair. They could also put a mobile repair/service truck on the road.
Market Competition:
This business is one of the largest truck repair shops in the area. They only have one competitor and they mainly work on Mack trucks. This is a two-man shop.
Location Details:
Located just outside of town on a major 4 lane highway.
Support & Training
The current owner is willing to stay for a negotiated period of time to ensure a smooth transition.
Reason for Selling: