Medical Staffing Firm and Other Staffing Contracts
For Sale in Houston,
Financial & Assets Details
About the Business
Business Description
This offering includes a medical staffing company that connects healthcare organizations with medical professionals seeking temporary work arrangements. The company identifies, screens, and recruits physicians for contract work at medical facilities. Also for sale are staffing contracts with large corporations who use Vendor Management Systems (VMS) to administer job requisitions.
Growth & Expansion
· Hire additional recruiters to seek out medical professionals and take advantage of increasing demand for physicians
· Actively pursue new relationships with healthcare organizations and other staffing firms
· Aggressively expand Nurse Practitioner and Physician's Assistants service lines
Market Competition:
· Long-standing relationships with several healthcare organizations and other staffing firms
· Large network of physicians and clinicians built through innovative recruitment strategies
· High credentialing standards to ensure quality of physicians
· Outstanding satisfaction amongst medical professionals that work with the company
Location Details:
Real estate
· The company rents a 2000 sq. ft. office space in a 12,000 sq. ft. building from a related party. The space is available for re-lease at a negotiable rate.
· Houston, Texas
Reason for Selling:
Shareholder/owner objectives
· The owner is approaching retirement age and seeks to sell the business to enjoy additional leisure time. She is willing to remain with the company for a transition period, as needed.