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Medicare_Medicaid Certified Home Health in Miami FL

MedicalFor Sale in Miami, FL

Listing ID: hhamiami | Broker Listing ID: BLP173260

Financial & Assets Details


About the Business


Business Description

Independent, twenty-year-old home health agency for sale near Miami FL, serving Miami Dade & Monroe County. The business is a stable and profitable venture for the next owner, with limitless expansion opportunities in a service business with high demand. The community greatly benefits from the essential service provided, making the work personally fulfilling and meaningful. Every day presents an opportunity to positively impact the lives of others, creating a tangible and valuable difference.

In addition to serving seniors who prefer to age in the comfort of their homes, the business offers a comprehensive range of services spanning all stages of life from pediatric to senior care. The company recognizes the diverse needs of individuals and is dedicated to providing specialized and personalized care programs. Whether it's supporting the developmental milestones of children or ensuring the well-being and independence of seniors, caregivers are trained to deliver compassionate and professional assistance.

As the trend of seniors choosing in-home care continues to rise, fueled by the significant influx of Baby Boomers entering retirement, our in-home senior care agency is well-positioned as one of the most rapidly growing industries. This growth not only reflects the evolving preferences of the aging population but also underscores the importance of our commitment to delivering high-quality, client-centered care.

The Company holds an Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHA), Accreditation with The Joint Commission, Medicare, and Medicaid. The business office is fully staffed with a Staffing Coordinator and Care Coordinator/HR Administrator. This business is recognized as a community leader in delivering quality customer service, superior care and has an excellent reputation for serving clients. The beginning was challenging but through the years, the business has developed solid referral relationships with professionals within the health care industry and surrounding senior communities.

The business has a census of approximately 105 patients, which is a stable low float number to maintain the business running comfortably with healthy income. The business provides services to most demographically attractive health care markets in the U.S.

The business offers in-home care, therapy services (PT, Occupational, Speech), nursing services, Staffing, Medical Social Workers, and Pediatric Care.

The home-care industry has exploded with the aging population. Today, with 10,000 Americans turning 65 every day, the demand for senior care is ever increasing. The US senior population currently sits at approximately 50 million and by 2030, it is expected to swell to 81 million (Source: US Census Bureau). An estimated 70 percent of people over 65 will require home-care services at some point in their lives.

The sellers are selling for retirement reasons but will assist during a transitional period. The caregivers and office staff, all of which are W2 employees, are available to work with a new owner.

Growth & Expansion


Market Competition:

Highly differentiated business (Our business offers more services than other agencies)

Reason for Selling:


Listing ID: hhamiami

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