Premier Wedding/Event Florist and Flower Shop
RetailFor Sale in NC
Financial & Assets Details
About the Business
Business Description
A Premier Florist Shop and Event Service business. This company boasts of exclusive and high-end clientele including a nationally recognized brand for its events conducted in the Southeast.
The business has two divisions - first as a retail flower shop, serving the local community in the traditional retail and delivery business model, and second as a event and wedding floral designer service for the Southeast region.
Owner-operator cash flow more than $200,000 annually.
The company is featured in many wedding publication and enjoys a stellar reputation as a high-end boutique.
The owner has operated the business for nearly 20 years and has honed the operation into a well-oiled machine. There are ample supplier relationships established, stable employee history and an excellent on-site set-up for the operations. The owner is committed to a smooth transition for the next owner.