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Boutique Coastal Maine Tent & Awning Business

ServiceFor Sale in ME

Listing ID: 34260 | Broker Listing ID:

Financial & Assets Details


About the Business

6 FT/3 PT

Business Description

This business is dedicated to offering top-notch tent and party rentals for every occasion, including weddings, parties, fairs, and corporate events. Along with premium tents, they provide canopies, dance floors, PA systems, tables, and chair rentals. The company also specializes in the sale and servicing of custom awnings for both residential and commercial clients.

The business primarily serves events along the Maine coast, with most rental customers being venue owners, such as B&Bs and farms, or private individuals planning weddings or special events. Sales clients include both commercial and residential customers, with 50% of their clientele being repeat customers.

Growth & Expansion

While the business has achieved continued success for many decades, there are still ways to expand and improve – from smaller tweaks to make things easier, (efficient storage practices, material handling) to taking on more events. Adding a dedicated awning salesperson may be a way to increase sales revenue and attract more customers for that segment of the business. Along with what they already provide for rentals, the business could also offer other items including glassware, plates, silverware, etc.

Location Details:

The location is perfect in that it’s conveniently accessible to major routes and offers the ability to expand. Buildings have been very well-maintained over the years.

Support & Training

2 weeks/negotiable

Reason for Selling:


Listing ID: 34260

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